Loose Leaf Organic Black Teas
Discover Spice Zen’s wide range of certified organic, premium and Haute Couture loose leaf black teas collection leaves sourced directly from the finest plantations across the globe. Spice Zen’s loose leaf, certified organic black teas are pure, bold, robust with exquisite smooth full-bodied flavour. Our Haute Couture loose leaf teas are sourced exclusively from single estate certified organic plantations with ‘a bud and two leaves’ with superior flavour and aroma. Our teas are perfect for a morning boost, a refreshing jolt to the arm in the afternoons, and for a calming nightcap.
Spice Zen’s Black Teas are certified organic by ACO.
Enjoyed on its own or paired with milk or sweetener, black tea provides the ultimate start to the day and works wonderfully as an afternoon pick-me-up too.
Top Picks among Spice Zen’s Loose Leaf Organic Black Teas:
Assam Black Tea: known for its distinct malty and robust flavour, Assam black tea is for those who want to begin the day screaming ‘rise and shine!’ It is one of the more popular breakfast tea options in our collection.
Orange Pekoe Ceylon Black Tea: known for its bright, bold with refreshing citrus notes that sing beautifully with mild astringent notes, Ceylon Black Tea is your go-to tea for any time of the day.
Darjeeling Black Tea: also known as The Champagne of Teas, Darjeeling Black Tea have a distinct muscatel flavour, thanks to its layered dainty, flora and fruity, flavour profile.
Indian Breakfast Tea: this classic black tea blend is known for its robust and full- bodied flavour to go with your hearty breakfast a perfect start to the day.
French Earl Grey: Spice Zen’s French Earl Grey has all the traditional flowers to make a floral wonderland of black tea.
Indulge in the art of tea with Spice Zen’s artist – certified organic loose leaf black tea -a celebration of nature’s finest teas supporting environmentally friendly farming and packing practices.